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Thursday, February 26, 2015

02/26/15 - Update

Mid-term reports will be going home with the students tomorrow.

Quiz tomorrow for all classes - Percents, Decimals, and Ratios

Today the students started a "Design your own Restaurant" activity.  This activity will help the students review how to calculate area and perimeter.  The activity also extends converting units into a real world scenario that your student is designing.  I cannot wait to see all the restaurant designs!

Our next unit will be on Geometry.

  • We will be working on finding area of polygons by decomposing shapes into triangles and quadrilaterals.  
  • We will be learning how to find the volume of a right rectangular prism.
  • We will solving real world problems by drawing/graphing polygons on a coordinate plane.
  • We will be calculating surface area by using nets.  We will also be applying surface area calculations to real life.

Image result for wanted
If you have any empty boxes (for example cereal, shoe, etc.) that you do not need, please send them in with your student.  We will break them down and use them to calculate surface area during our next unit :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

02/11/2015 - Grade Reports

Math grade reports and a math update information sheet was send home with each student today.  All students will receive extra credit for bringing back a signed information sheet.  Students that have a current grade of a D or F are required to obtain parent/guardian signatures.

General Math
Today we starting working on converting between fractions, decimals, and percents.  The students have to finish their practice (one page) for homework tonight.

Accelerated Math
Today we worked on finding a percent of a homework tonight for 6th period.

Helpful Links:

Define % as Ratios

Several links on AAA math for percents, decimals, and ratios

Monday, February 9, 2015

02/09/2015 - Quiz Tomorrow

General Math (Periods 1, 2, 4, & 5) will have a short quiz tomorrow on converting and comparing unit rates.  The students will be allowed to use their reference sheets and/or their agendas along with calculators.

Accelerated Math started working on converting percents, decimals, and fractions.

Extra Credit Opportunities - Ask your student about the weekly challenge work they can earn extra credit for.  Several students have taken advantage of this opportunity the last two weeks.

Grade Reports
**After all quiz scores are posted I will be sending home math grade reports with students.  Students that have a parent or guardian sign the report will receive extra credit.  If a student has a D or F it is mandatory that the grade report be signed and returned.

Just a reminder that ESS is offered for math, language arts, and social studies/science after school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays until 4:10pm.

Friday, February 6, 2015

02/06/2015 - Update

General Math
All grades are up to date.  I have recorded all scores for this week's assignments, the Ratio test, and any late work received.  Monday we will be reviewing converting units.  The students will have a quiz on converting units on Tuesday, February 10th.

Accelerated Math
Monday we will be starting on percents.  The students took a short quiz on converting units today.  The quiz scores should be posted early next week.  Students that want to re-take the Ratios Unit Test (Multiple Choice only) must stay after school on Monday, February 9th.  I have announced this a few times throughout this week.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!